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Dar comida

Las donaciones de alimentos son fundamentales para la misión en curso de recolectar y redistribuir miles de libras de alimentos a personas y familias en Lindale, Texas, que no saben de dónde vendrán sus próximas comidas. Al donar hoy, estará ayudando a una red de más de 350 familias a las que servimos semanalmente.


Donaciones Individuales

Con mucho gusto aceptamos donaciones durante el horario regular de la despensa de alimentos. Consulte el calendario a continuación para ver el horario más actualizado. 

Extra considerations for donations:

  • Easy to open - pop-top cans that do not require a can opener.

  • Avoid glass containers due to breakage.

  • Mixes (soup, bread, pancake, muffin, etc.) that only require the addition of water to make.

Los 12 artículos más buscados:

  1. Mantequilla de maní

  2. Cereal

  3. Atún

  4. Frijoles

  5. Arroz

  6. macarrones con queso

  7. chile y sopas

  8. Alimentos y pañales para bebés

  9. Embutidos enlatados

  10. Alimentos para mascotas

  11. Comidas completas en lata o caja

  12. Alimentos que se abren en la parte superior que no requieren un abrelatas


Organizar una colecta de alimentos

¡Una colecta de alimentos es una excelente oportunidad para que cualquier miembro de la comunidad se convierta en socio directo en la lucha contra el hambre!

Among the items on our most wanted “wish list” are: 

  • Rolls of toilet paper

  • Canned meats and/or meals like chili, ravioli, and spaghetti & meatballs

  • Seasonings, including basic ones like salt and pepper. 


Welcome additions:

In addition to everything listed here we also occasionally receive donations of the following items, which are always welcome additions to our inventory:

  • Coffee

  • Lunch box items: Chips, Granola Bars, Fruit Packs, Juice Boxes, etc.​​

Descargar e imprimir la solicitud

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Society of
St. Stephen

*501(C)(3) Statement

The Society of St Stephen (EIN: 81-4906987) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that, through the David Powell Food Pantry, provides thousands of pounds of food to more than 350 families within the geographic boundaries of the Lindale, Texas Independent School District. In addition to food distribution, the Society of St. Stephen provides additional programs serve our community’s health needs.



The Society of St. Stephen values the privacy of our donors and does not copy, reproduce, publish, post, distribute, share, or sell, the name, personal contact information or description of donors to any outside individual or business. Exceptions are those required by law, requested in grant applications or in connection with bank credit or debit card transactions made with prior knowledge or consent of the donor.

Contact Us


402 W. Hubbard Street

(Southwest Corner of the
ChristPoint Methodist Church L
indale Campus)

Lindale, Texas 75771




P.O. Box 367

Lindale, Texas 75771

© 2023 Society of St. Stephen - Lindale

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